Mail Order Brides Old West

Mail Order Brides Old West

The Old West was a time of adventure, excitement, and opportunity. For many men, it was a chance to start fresh and make a name for themselves. However, with the lack of women in the West, many men found themselves lonely and longing for companionship. This is where the mail order bride system came in.

The Mail Order Bride System

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The mail order bride system was a way for men in the West to find and marry women from the East. Men would place an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, describing themselves and what they were looking for in a wife. Women who were interested would respond to the advertisement, and if the man and woman were a good match, they would get married.

The mail order bride system was not without its problems. Some men would deceive women by misrepresenting themselves in their advertisements. Others would mistreat their wives once they arrived in the West. However, for many men and women, the mail order bride system was a way to find love and companionship in the rough and tumble Old West.

The Women of the Old West

Old West Women

The women who came to the West as mail order brides were brave and adventurous. They left behind everything they knew, including their families and friends, to start a new life with a stranger. Many of these women were from poor families and saw marriage as a way to improve their lives.

Some women who came to the West as mail order brides were educated and well-read. They brought culture and refinement to the rough and tumble West. These women often started schools and libraries, and were instrumental in bringing a sense of civilization to the frontier.

Life as a Mail Order Bride

Life As A Mail Order Bride

Life as a mail order bride was not easy. Many women had to travel long distances to get to their new homes, sometimes enduring weeks of travel by wagon or train. Once they arrived, they often had to adjust to a new way of life, with different customs and traditions.

Some women had happy marriages and built a new life with their husbands in the West. Others were not so lucky, and found themselves in unhappy marriages or even abusive situations. However, the women who came to the West as mail order brides were strong and resilient, and many of them persevered through difficult times.

The Legacy of Mail Order Brides in the Old West

Mail Order Brides Old West Legacy

The legacy of mail order brides in the Old West is a complicated one. On the one hand, the system allowed many men and women to find love and companionship in a time and place where it was difficult to do so. On the other hand, the system was often exploitative and unfair to women.

Despite its flaws, the mail order bride system played an important role in the settlement of the West. It brought women to the frontier who otherwise would not have made the journey, and helped to balance the gender ratio in the West.


The mail order bride system was a unique and controversial part of Old West history. While it had its problems, it also played an important role in the settlement of the West and the lives of many men and women. Today, we can look back on this system with a mix of admiration and criticism, recognizing its complexity and the many different experiences of those who participated in it.

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